Your Travel Addiction Enabler
The world of Travel Hacking can sometimes be very secretive and quite daunting. Many in the hobby are unwilling to share their secrets in a concise, easy to understand format. Not so with PointsNerd. So if you want in on the world of cheap luxury travel, you’ve come to the right place! Use the menus at the top of the page to learn how to earn miles and points, and more importantly, how to use them properly. Feel free to reach out if there is anything I can do to make your journey easier. Cheers
Your Guides to Freedom
Here at PointsNerd, we strive to make it as easy as possible for you to get up to speed in the Travel Hacking Game. From beginner guides to step-by-step instructions on how to maximize redemptions, it’s all at your fingertips.
Booking Alaska Partner Awards
Alaska Airlines offers incredible redemptions on their partner airlines. This guide walks you through how to do it.
Finding Award Availability
Finding award availability is the most difficult part of Travel Hacking. This guide gives you the step-by-step instructions so you can find and build your perfect itinerary.
Tools I Use
There are a lot of Travel Hacking Tools out there but I’ve curated the best ones that I have discovered through my experience.
Don’t Take My Word For It
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