Travel Hacking From Scratch – Part 8 – Alternatives to DIY

If you are looking to get into Travel Hacking but you're worried about how much time it will take to learn how to use your miles and points, we've got a solution for you.

Travel Hacking From Scratch – Part 10 – Weighing Convenience vs Cost

Finding the perfect routing that avoids fuel surcharges can take a significant effort but are we ignoring the obvious in direct award flights?

How to Find First Class Routes

Flying in First Class is a luxury that few get to enjoy but those with points can easily make that a reality. Often the problem is finding which airlines and routes feature a First Class cabin. This article walks you through how to find them.

New Aeroplan Offer You’ll Want to Take Advantage Of

Aeroplan has a time sensitive offer for 50% off award travel between Canada and the US if you book between June 17th and July 1, 2020. for travel between July 1 and October 15, 2020.